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Gun Violence Statistics

The idea behind doing this project was to show how by limiting legal gun access we can minimize gun violence. However; statistics showed unexpected results.

As a father of three, it is very sad to hear people suffer due to gun violence frequently. U.S. has extremely high gun rate violence compared to other developed countries. The issue of gun violence has influence on victims’ life directly, but it indirectly influences society’s luxury, education quality, political party’s election and business.

Many factors may influence rate of violence occurring in any area. Population density, Average household income, Income distribution, available firearms and many more factors. Due to limitation of this work, I am exploring few factors relation to gun violence in effort to find ways to save peoples life.

The data collected for this work are from different sources that can be accessed in reference section.



This graph shows the general distribution of gun violence over the months of the years 2014 to 2018. January and march show a bit higher rate. 


Unlike commonly known gun violence which involves one victim generally, Mass shoots involve many victims and suprisingly they are way higher at times where the weather is hot and schools are shut. data collected for years 2014 - 2018


The graph show the relation between ratio of children died to gun accidents for each 100 000 population in each state versus Average registered guns for that state. This data is not weighted (Or normalized) to population. In other words while WY has a population of 578 000 it is represented by 1 point just like California having population of  38 492 000


This graph shows the relation between average gun involved incidents and legally owned guns (each normalized to their average). each point represents a state. data is weighted to state populations. The data collected from states with higher population weight more.


This graph shows the relation between children victim to gun accident and legally owned guns (each normalized to their average). each point represents a state. data is weighted to state populations. The data collected from states with higher population weight more.


This graph shows the relation between children victim to gun accident and low education level (each normalized to their average). each point represents a state. data is weighted to state populations. The data collected from states with higher population weight more.


This graph shows the relation between children victim to gun accident and unemployment level (each normalized to their average). each point represents a state. data is weighted to state populations. The data collected from states with higher population weight more.

In conclusion: based on the graphs, one may observe gun violence may decrease with decreasing unemployment rate and legally owned guns. It might also decrease with increasing education level. Mass shootouts are more likely in summer months where the wether is hotter and schools are off. for better understanding further investigation is essential. These results obtained from data collected from:




  4. Source




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